Presentation of the port strategy and boat tour of the 3Land perimeter

Presentation by Florian Röthlingshöfer

On Friday, March 15, the 3Land Coordination Unit had the opportunity to attend a presentation by Florian Röthlingshöfer, Director of the Port of Switzerland, on the current developments and challenges facing the port. The meeting was organized by the "Economy, Labour Market, Tourism" committee of the TEB District Council at the Hafenmuseum in Basel.

View of the port area in Kleinhüningen

The three sections of the Port of Switzerland are located in Muttenz, Kleinhüningen and Birsfelden in the Cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft. They are particularly important for connecting Switzerland with international shipping via the Rhine.

It was very enriching to learn more about the challenges and strategies for the coming years of this industry located in the heart of the 3Land. One important topic, for example, is the development of intermodal transport via containers, which requires the relocation of the railroad station close to the port dock.

Another strategic focus of the Port of Switzerland is the energy transition through the production and supply of sustainable energy such as green hydrogen.

The towing vessel, Wild Maa

Following this presentation, we took a tour of the port and of the 3Land aboard the Wild Maa. This ship is part of the port fleet and is used to tow or push other ships. The perfect opportunity to discover the Rhine banks and 3Land development projects from a new perspective!


Many thanks to the Port of Switzerland for the reception and to the TEB consultative committee for the invitation.
