
On this page you can download all the studies carried out, the planning agreements, press materials and selected visualizations. The documents are available in German and French.


3Land brochure

The 3Land brochure provides an overview of the cooperation, common goals and initial implementations in 3Land.

Brochure on joint planning

The brochure on the "principles of joint planning for a trinational district in 3Land" helps to understand cross-border cooperation in the field of urban planning. It gives an overview of the planning systems and documents of each country, its challenges, as well as the solutions to these issues with the "3Land method".


During the first ten years of cooperation in the 3Land project area, studies were conducted in the field of mobility and open space planning.

Cost-benefit analysis of the Rhine bridge 2022

The Rhine bridge and a tramway between Huningue and Basel are important for the further development of the 3Land. The positive result of the cost-benefit analysis is an important stage on the way to successful implementation.

Joint Planning Agreements since 2012

The trinational agreements define the framework conditions of the cooperation. They determine common goals, measures, budget and organization.

Press releases

The 3Land partners are concerned about communication about the project results. The following press releases have been published.

Logo and Key Visual

Below you can download the 3Land logo and Key Visual.

Illustrations and plans

Download selected images and maps from the spatial concept here.