Trinational transport study (2018)
The 3Land development is intended to create living space and jobs for around 20,000 people. In order to ensure a high quality of life and a pleasant stay in 3Land, settlement and traffic development will be precisely coordinated. The planning partners give priority to pedestrian, bicycle and public transport.
In 2018, the project partners presented a tri-national transport study. This shows that a high-quality and sustainable development of the 3Land is feasible. The study clearly shows that the existing public transport infrastructure must be built up first and foremost. Strengthening and linking of current hubs is necessary. Infrastructures are also envisaged for automobile traffic, such as new park-and-ride facilities.
A new Rhine bridge between Huningue and Basel represents the central element for public as well as pedestrian and bicycle traffic. It enables optimal access to the development areas and the new public spaces. Short distances and the interconnection of the quarters with the hubs of all countries are crucial for an attractive public transport.
The study was prepared by an interdisciplinary team (Kontextplan AG together with van de Wetering Atelier für Städtebau, Rapp Trans AG and Rapp Infra AG).