First planning agreement 2012
In 2012, the cities of Basel (CH), Weil am Rhein (D) and Huningue (F) signed the first joint planning agreement for the coordinated development of the 3Land cross-border area.
Excerpt from the planning agreement

Priority is given to the joint planning of the "urban sub-city in the tri-national agglomeration of Basel (3Land)". The following development goals are established:
- Joint exemplary urban development
- Sustainable Development
- Juxtaposition of the historically grown and the new
- Building densification
- Mixing of uses
- Avoiding structural and social segregation of existing and new residential and employment uses
- Improve accessibility and continuity to the Rhine
- Better cross-border transport connections
- Common traffic concept
- Creation of more green and open spaces of high quality
Planning agreement 2016
The cooperation bore its first fruits: the 3Land spatial concept. To concretize and continue this, the partners signed another joint planning agreement in 2016. The district of Lörrach and the city of Saint-Louis joined the 3Land project.
On July 12, 2016, the political leaders of the 3Land project signed a new planning agreement. In it, the Canton of Basel-Stadt, the City of Huningue, the City of Weil am Rhein, the French Communauté d'Agglomération des Trois Frontières, the Département du Haut-Rhin as well as the District of Lörrach and the City of Saint-Louis, and the Trinational Eurodistrict Basel as well as the International Building Exhibition Basel (IBA 2020) set out how they will deepen the successfully completed spatial concept 3Land in future planning work. The next step was to develop a traffic concept for the trinational planning area around the border triangle, as well as to develop procedures and proposals for initial initial uses and describe development options for the landscape. The planning agreement is valid until 2020 - the final year of the IBA Basel 2020.
With the new agreement, the project partners focused on three key areas: Bridges & Mobility, Landscape, and Initial Uses. They thus set the course for the first development measures in 3Land. In the years 2016 to 2017, further basic studies were prepared for these projects in order to get the first implementation projects underway from 2018.
Planning agreement 2022
With the third joint planning agreement, the 3Land partners are committed to continuing their successful cooperation. Central elements are mobility as well as spatial planning and urban development in 3Land.
"The 3Land is not an end project where something comes to an end at some point, but it has a lasting effect" (quote from Wolfgang Dietz). For this reason, the 3Land project partners signed the third joint planning agreement on June 30, 2022. It is the commitment to continue the successful cooperation. In the 10 years of cooperation, the partners agreed on the common goals in the 3Land spatial concept. These were concretized by the joint open space and nature conservation concept. The banks of the Rhine and the adjoining urban quarters became more accessible and now offer the population new areas for play, sports and relaxation. The trinational traffic study and the cost-benefit analysis of a bridge and tramway line across the Rhine, which was completed in spring 2022, lay the foundation for the expansion of sustainable infrastructures.
Mobility in 3Land is therefore also a central element of the new planning agreement. By the end of the year, in addition to the creation of a mobility concept, further studies on tramway connections and non-motorized traffic are planned. These measures will set the course for the construction of a new Rhine bridge. In the area of spatial planning and urban development, for example, the development and implementation of measures to adapt the project area to extreme weather situations has been defined.