Preparation of a trinational mobility concept for the 3Land

by Léane Pouchelet

Tramway 8 in Weil am Rhein ©TEB/Marie Soehnlen

A comprehensive cross-border mobility concept up to 2040 is to be prepared for the 3Land area on the basis of the strategic preliminary planning and the “Trinational Transport Study 3Land” from 2018. This concept should define the gradual implementation of the mobility infrastructure. The focus is on the transport infrastructure for all modes of transport: motorized private transport, public transport, walking and cycling as well as the mobility hubs as transfer points. The analysis should take into account the forecast traffic flows in 2040 that will be generated by the urban developments in “3Land”. The aim is to define the necessary infrastructure that both copes with the increasing traffic requirements and positively influences mobility behavior in accordance with the strategic guidelines.

The key persons for the development of the mobility concept are experts in the fields of transport planning and engineering, transport modeling and spatial planning. Experience in France and Switzerland and a proficiency in German and French are essential. The formation of transnational bidding consortia is expressly encouraged.

Would you like to submit an offer?

Applications and tenders must be submitted via the e-marchespublics platform.

The submission deadline ends on 15.01.2025 at 13.00.

