3Land at the TOM Borders Forum in Paris

by Johannes Bittner

Mr. Thomas Zeller at the Borders Forum of the Transfrontier operational mission (TOM)

In the face of the crises we have faced for the last 20 years, must we resign ourselves to retreating into ourselves and reducing borders to simple dividing lines? Or are we collectively able to show resilience, to adapt to an uncertain world and to see borders as "shared" territories that are sources of progress?

This was the question considered by the many speakers at the Borders Forum 2022, organized by the Transfrontier Operational Mission (TOM) last week in Paris. Nine panels on topics ranging from ecological transition to citizen participation, have allowed to exchange the experiences made in the French border territories and to move forward together on common issues.

Thomas Zeller, president of the TEB, reported on the experiences made in the context of the 3Land project in planning a common cross-border area. In this context, he particularly pleaded for more agility in the border regions in order to find pilot solutions.
