The EU initiative b-solutions promotes the 3Land
by Léane Pouchelet

The construction of a new Rhine bridge for trams, pedestrians and cyclists is complex from a technical and organizational point of view, but above all from a legal point of view. Indeed, this is a unique situation, since there is no Rhine bridge between France and Switzerland so far. Without any precedent, it is therefore necessary to conclude an agreement between the two states involved. But what would such an agreement look like? This question is being investigated by the EU initiative b-solutions.

b-solutions is an initiative funded by the European Commission (DG REGIO) and managed by the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR). Its aim is to tackle legal and administrative barriers along EU internal and sea borders as well as borders with countries belonging to the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), of which Switzerland is a member.
After receiving a positive reply to the application submitted by the 3Land team, a legal expert was selected to provide a concrete solution to the problem. Thus, the legal bases, the partners to be involved and their competences, the form and other important elements for the agreement between the two states will be pointed out. The cooperation with the 3Land working group will start in September 2023.
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