The 3Land introduces itself!

by Johannes Bittner

First, a delegation of the German-Polish twin city of Guben-Gubin, promoter of the project "Two City Halls - One Euro City ", visited the 3Land within the framework of a study trip. The TEB project leaders led the delegation in bright sunshine from the Rhine Park to Huningue to the height of the ‘Dreiländereck”. They explained the goals and challenges of the project and presented the work on the “Vis-à-vis”, which was only completed in the summer. The guests also reported on their current projects on the German-Polish border.

On September 15, the project managers of 3Land and "Vis-à-Vis", Judith Lenhart and Marie-Aude Pirot, as well as Katrin Oser, project manager at the Basel Department of Construction and Transport, presented 3Land to Master students of the Dutch University of Twente. The history, the project organization and the specifics of cross-border cooperation aroused great interest in the Master Spatial Engineering. In the concluding discussion, the project leaders addressed the students' questions.

The lively exchange and the different perspectives on cross-border cooperation were a great enrichment!
