Outlook 2024 - "Creating new connections together"
by Judith Lenhart
In the coming year, we will continue to pursue our goal of developing the area around the Dreiländereck by creating new connections together. What have we planned?
In the first half of the year, we will

- work on completing the study funded by the EU's b-solutions initiative.
The construction of a new Rhine bridge for tramway, pedestrian and bicycle traffic is complex in technical and organizational terms, but above all in legal terms. The situation in the 3Land is a special case, as there is no bridge over the Rhine between France and Switzerland. Without a precedent, it is necessary to conclude an agreement between the countries concerned. But what should such an agreement look like? The EU initiative b-solutions is looking into this question.

- prepare the call for tenders for in-depth trinational mobility planning.
The trinational transport study from 2018 showed that the existing public transport infrastructure in particular needs to be expanded for the 3Land development, that current hubs need to be strengthened and that new infrastructure (e.g. park & ride facilities) for car traffic should be considered. The mobility planning is intended to create new routes as well as to link and coordinate existing ones.

- deepen the topics of urban development and climate impact adaptation.
Climate change and urban development are major challenges for the 3Land project area. Further events will bring the 3Land partners together and promote the exchange of best practices. Perhaps this will also result in a new 3Land sub-project?