Call for tenders for the elaboration of a feasibility study on biotope connections across bridges in the 3Land area

by Judith Lenhart

Rhine bank in Huningue (c) Marie Soehnlen

The Trinational Eurodistrict Basel is looking for contractors to conduct a feasibility study on biotope connections across bridges in the 3Land area.

The 3Land project partners promote biodiversity and biotope connections across national borders.

Since its straightening, the Rhine acts as a strict barrier between the biotopes on both sides of its banks. The bridges within the project perimeter represent further interventions in the river banks and thus in the existing biotopes and main biotope network axes. On the occasion of the planning of a new Rhine bridge, the question arises whether the bridges can be used as ecological corridors (similar to wildlife overpasses) - in their function to cross the Rhine. The existing interconnected axes of the Rhine embankments are to be preserved.

Would you like to submit a bid?

Applications and bids must be submitted via the e-marchespublics platform. Here, in addition to the tender documents, you have access to studies that have already been carried out, which will provide you with an up-to-date status of the planning.

The deadline for submission is 05.10.2022, 11.00 am. Tender languages are German and French.
