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The 3Land project manager presents climate measures

3Land presents its climate measures at the Euro-Institute

On June 20, the Euro-Institute and TRION-climate organized a workshop on climate change adaptation. On this occasion, the 3Land project manager was invited to present the actions implemented in the cross-border area.

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Drapeau 3Land

Conclusion of the Interreg project “Coordination Unit 3Land”

The project “Coordination Unit 3Land”, co-financed by the European Union's European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the Interreg Upper Rhine program and by the New Regional Policy (NRP) of the Swiss Confederation, comes to an end. This gives an opportunity to take a closer look at its contributions and benefits for the 3Land project.

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Logo b-solutions

The EU initiative b-solutions promotes the 3Land

How can legal obstacles to the construction of a bridge between France and Switzerland be overcome? To answer this question, the 3Land receives the support of the European initiative b-solutions.

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